Even if Kirsten was a Snot, she would of grown out of it long before now. Sticking up for a Murderer youre Pathetic. She practiced constantly at home in the family room and sometimes at Diane MacDonalds house, in front of the windows at night, to see her reflection. Commuting time shrinks to twenty-five minutes in a BMW, the most popular car at Miramonte High School, where students scores are consistently among the highest on Californias state achievement tests. Maybe Snooty, but no Bully. homely? They obviously made some bad decisions and theres repurcussions for your poor decisions, thats not Kirstens fault, you mad that decisions, not Kirsten. She wont tell where shes at, cause to many people have it out for her cause of her past. Does it make you feel good to knowingly lie about a dead murdered girl? What happened to a lot of those girls fro Kirstens group? To bad she did cause Im sure she would of grown out of her ways and be a positive influence in someones life today even. It also tends to victimize blonds! Hard to comprehend how this Bernadette flew into a rage and savagely murdered her classmate. Required fields are marked *. Whos to say she hasnt Murdered again, if so, she Covered her tracks better, and probaly let an innocent person take the blame and maybe jailed for it. You are a sick minded individual to perpetuate that lie about Kirsten, but I suppose its easier for you and your ilk to criticize a dead teenager because she its not like she can defend herself, is it? Bernadette was just as nice as we were on swim team together growing up. They were mutually aquatinted. No in the documentary where the new wave girl was actually interviewed, she ACTUALLY said I want you dead and to see your blood drip Her own words in the interview on true crime via Amazon Prime she said those EXACT words. Thank God Im out of high school now and dont have to deal with all that social crap. Boys are Smart Aleck also, girls are Worse at it. That child was a nightmare to her peers and friends (lets not forget how much she disrespected them every day). She didnt bully Bernadette either. Karen, it wasnt about Bullying, it was over jealousy issues. Landscape Suicide 1986 is the closest after Bernadettes interview with the Police it shows it. Bunch of fg liars. Basically ,she liked everybody. But it wasnt a big fallout, just words between them.. Karen, where are you? I knew there were girls who didnt like Kirsten not sure why, we all cant get along with everybody. The film is not a documentary but a fictional account of what happened, therefore the creators (writer Dan Bronson and director William A. Graham), although keeping the California setting, changed Kirsten Costas's name to Stacy Lockwood, played by Tori Spelling, and changed Bernadette Protti's name to Angela Delvecchio, who was played by Kellie Martin. My god you women are something else. I dont think it was so much bullying as it was insecurity, I think Bernadette said something that went all wrong in the car. She could block it out of her mind (her words). Same for Karen Severson and Laura Doyle theyre cold blooded killers to, Missy was Kirstens age, this happened not long after Kirsten was Murdered. Bernadette is no more and she doesnt exist anymore, so why keep bringing up the past, my goodness look at the times the World is in now. Bernadette was a sweet girl, thats why it was so hard to beleive she was the killer. The only incident Bernadette recounted was a remark Kirsten made about her skis. I just dont understand cant people just be happy with what god has made them. I cant stand snobby bitches who put others down and bully them. It has her sister cutting vegetables with a ridiculously long knife too, and Kirstens parents were right who cuts up vegetables with a knife that long that they keep in the car? While in Hockey and Baseball 2005, it is button-up from the top. Bernadette was afraid she would end up in the outside looking in ( which finally became the case) she took drastic measures to try and prevent it. Oh Im sure they so love having thier names and business displayed for the World to see. What? So you are offbeat to, for defending a Killer. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. She was also friends with people who were considered popular. You named all of Kirstens friends. Bernadette had plenty of other friends, she was in that group, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, if she would of left her alone, eventually they may of became friends, no she couldnt wait, wanted it all right now and pushed and forced her way into it. Setting up a fake meeting and lying about a Party is Strange and Weird. Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks who will at some point push a normal person to the brink,so whatever happens is something they are a part of as well as the person they have pushed. RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2 & 9 Other Video Games That Make You Feel Like A Frontiersman You are here. Maybe her parents should have raised her better. You are still getting that she was a bully from the movie where they changed everyones name because they werent doing a real version. That still wasnt Kirstens fault. The script for the movie was written by Randall Sullivan who wrote the one-sided scathingly critical Death of a Cheerleader article for Rolling Stone, which the movie was based on. While Arnold was sitting in his automobile at the Costas residence, he observed Protti assault Costas. John even if Kirsten was as mean as Tori Spelling (which BTW she wasnt) that is still no right to Murder her. I hardly knew this girl. You appear to be making up scenarios in your head about Bernadettes life and have difficulty differentiating fact from fiction. Please make an appointment with your councilor at school and discuss this with him or her Esp one 86 girl who thought she was just on top of the world. But it is a very old case and Bernadette is no where to be found,(or cares to be)by other than family. Over, if Kirsten bullied B why didnt B use it to Strenghten her Case. She did well in school academically, had plenty of friends, her close friends genuinely cared about her, she was described as popular in her own wayand she was invited to join an exclusive sorority club. Kirsten May of been Stuck up and Caddy, most teen girls are, but she got along with almost everyone, she got along with Bernadette at first, till Bernadette kept trying to be her friend. the fact is bullying had nothing to do with it she was a sick and twisted individual and still is! Kirsten had a good family, good life, and then this horrendous event took her life. Every School has kids people dont like! Kirsten had an Engaging type Personality, that Movie was off, and (Pro Bernadette). It was a fictional depiction loosely based on Kirsten and Bernadette. She apparently moved again and left the medical field, probably because her real name and location was outed by amateur internet detectives. She couldnt careless about Orinda to start with let alone go back there. On the day after the murder that took place in June of 1984, rumours were prevalent in many locations. As I wrote in another comment to you, If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? Your comments continue to reiterate the plot for the movie Death of a Cheerleader. Google it and Season 1 thru 3 Lindsey is on there. That Bullying was a Copout. She couldnt give any more examples because there was no more examples which is why there is still no clear reason why she killed Kirsten. These 15 vintage Halloween cards for kids were super cute ways to say boo! Nobody was all that nice to each other because that was the culture parents included even more so than the kids. There were several bullied as I said before. So there actually is no first degree evidence that is solid and beyond a reasonable doubt. So no she is a Psychopath. I think a lot of people would have found Bernadettes plan to lure them out of their house under false pretences very disconcerting and would be angered over it like Kirsten appears to have been. Bernadette shoukd of just acknowledged Kirsten was around and spoke Civil to her, without forging the friendship. It couldve been anyone, but kristen was the last one to get into the bobbies so she stood out. Although the Costases are quiet, their fifteen-year-old daughter was not. Would you say the same if Bernadette did suicide? Kristen had it well deserved in response to someone else, which suggests that you think her cruel murder was justified. If Bernadette was so Sweet would of never murdered. Angela Delvecchio is an Italian-American character in the Backyard Sports series. The real death of a cheerleader story (1985) Her killer, whom Arnold and other witnesses later described as a round-faced blonde wearing a yellow shirt and faded red sweatpants, sped away in the Pinto. We were never the same after that, Miramonte was never the same after that. I only talked to Everyone talked a bunch of crap about each other, including Bernadette who was just as rude and mean as any other girl there. 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In USA is more important to be popular, not smart, no matter how you treat others you become popular just because you say some joke or anything else to molest the person. I have never seen Kirsten insult anyone, (I knew her), she was friendly towards everybody, Berns BFF May say it differently, cause Bernadette just took things way to Serious, and like I said she took things way to Personal to where it became Personal. Berns home on La Espiral was Larger and more Expensive.