It can also occur if your dog has a digestive or liver disease. However, it is certainly a problem you want to solve as quickly as possible. Ill ask for a urinalysis as well to make sure hes ok. Jasmine, the Rottweiler of my life, was the largest female from her litter. Sometimes a dog's pee can give off an overbearing, harsh scent reminiscent of ammonia. Usually this is due to dehydration, but it can also be due to infection. When mixed with other compounds present in cat urine, it can produce an unpleasant smell reminiscent of rotten eggs or burnt matches. Infections, urinary tract infections, or kidney disease or bladder stones are possible causes of the dogs odor of ammonia. I think I need to be more persistent. Even so, there are some other reasons your dogs breath may smell foul. Realized it was actually her urine that I was smelling. skin infections around the vulva or prepuce. Just like the importance of good urinary care dog food, proper hydration is a key player when it comes to a healthy urinary system. I always worry that my dog is going to get a UTI. Clarity. The smell can also be fishy. Learn the facts to be carefulbut mostly to feel more at ease. The smell will transfer from their coat to your home. She of course then smells like it too and has to have a bath and the floor . . If you are concerned about why your urine smells like burnt rubber, you should see a doctor to get a diagnosis. Do you know what questions to ask your veterinarian? Well, the infection can migrate to the bladder or even the kidneys, where it becomes more serious. If your dogs fur has become trapped in the feces while he or she is relieving himself, he or she may smell like urine. Im also sharing it with all my dog parents. Cocaine is a street drug that looks like a fine white powder, and it can be used by snorting, injecting, or by rubbing it into the gums. Roses are supposed to smell sweet; urine is not. Urinalysis is a non-invasive, affordable, quick test. Excessive Sneezing in Dogs: How Much Sneezing Is Too Much? The smell will linger on their coat, causing it to smell. Unfortunately for us, the best way to solve this mystery is to wait for them to pee and smell it. Prevention is the best way to tackle urinary tract infections. Once the anal glands are expressed, the discomfort and smell should go away. As for the accident, she's a neurotic dog, for lack of a better word. What to do if my dog smells like burnt hair/rubber. Certain conditions, however, may cause your urine to have an unusual or unpleasant odor, which may raise concerns about a problem or abnormality. UTIs are usually brought on by the bacteria E. coli entering the urethra. Normal colored. To encourage them to drink more water, add a small amount of low sodium chicken broth to their water. he has never had any other problems, aside from worms as a pup. 72 yr old female. Whenever you're craving something unusual, you can take it as a hint that your body is missing something important. These include vomiting, drooling, red eyes, sneezing, and temporary blindness. alexmorgan205. To express them yourself, youll need to insert your ring finger and thumb into their anus. This could be something electrical in the home overheating and melting its insulating plastic or rubberwhich could lead to a fire. Always consult with a licensed and credible veterinarian for pet related concerns. Normal dog urine has a distinct but not overpowering smell. If your cat begins to smell like ammonia, it's probably not a health issue so much as it is a 'you need to clean the litter box more often' issue. Fill the bowls and let them sit in the affected area for a few hours or even overnight if the smell is fairly strong. No waiting for appointments or office hours. Dehydration is not a good thing, though, and if my dog had such concentrated urine more than once, say after a . If your pet is heavier than normal pets (20lbs), you can use all of the mixtures in the specific . However, in this case the problem probably isn't mildew. This condition is caused by too much meat or protein in your dogs diet. Does skunk spray smell different up close? Dental issues: such as rotting teeth, abscesses, gum disease, and more can cause a dogs breath to become very foul. As for the dribbling, it's hard to say if it's UTI related because she does have very severe bridging spondylosis (where the spine is basically fused together due to bone spurs). If the bacteria causing the infection grows too high into the dogs bladder or kidneys, it can quickly become fatal. - Mold or mildew in the A/C system caused by excess moisture buildup. That is the number one cause of stinky pee. Pet Dog Owner is also a participant in affiliate programs involving Dunbar Academy and Oliie Pets. If, for example, their pee is foamy, thats not good. Many pet parents describe the smell of skunk spray as similar to the smell of burned rubber. Aside from any antibiotics prescribed by the vet, is there anything you can do to treat this condition? Caffeine in coffee causes the brain to work harder, and some people are addicted to the beverage. Odor. 4. Dogs that have had multiple recurring UTIs could benefit from some hygiene help. Sometimes a dogs pee can give off an overbearing, harsh scent reminiscent of ammonia. If you want to make sure that your dog is not having an allergic reaction to the skunks spray, you can always take your dog to the Vet and have him looked at. Get your FREE Veterinary Visit Checklists and maximize your veterinary visits. Several times, but not always, when we let her out of the crate there is a puddle of clear liquid at the front of her crate and around the outside of the front. A high level of . They may be temporary or last for a long time. It's also called olfactory hallucination. If your dogs ammonia smell persists after cleaning and drinking fresh water, there may be an underlying issue. View answer. span I comment. Some people refer to this as a urine or burning rubber smell. Accidents in the house (in dogs that have previously been potty trained) Needs to go outside more often. Just like when people take antibiotics, its essential to take the entire course even if symptoms seem to disappear. You look around your house to check and see if something is burning, but everything seems fine. Doggie breath is the normal smell a dogs breath has when hes healthy! Take note that heat releases the sulfuric smell of burnt hair. If your pooch is vomiting, cant see, or seems to be in distress, its best to take your stinky pooch to the vet. If your dog has kidney disease or kidney failure, he or she may also smell like ammonia. The vet said that this is just him. Read articles by Jana Rade edited by Dr. Joanna Paul BSc BVSc. I now try to help people how to recognize and understand signs of illness in their dogs, how to work with their veterinarian and when to seek a second opinion. All of the information and content on this website is written from our own personal perspective of owning and caring for pets over the last couple of years. In this article, well take a look at what can cause a dogs breath to smell like burnt rubber and what you can do to help your dog. Are you taking your dog to a vet for a wellness exam or because theyre ill? We thought maybe he was accidentally poisoned. I learned the hard way that merely seeing a vet is not always enough. Excessive Hunger in Dogs: What If Your Dog Acts Like They're Starving? We have many skunks in our area and the smell of skunk floats weekly from spring into autumn. No high fees. Diabetes can cause an unusual odor in the urine, but it is unclear how the chemical causes phantosmia and why it smells so unique. Some people refer to this as a urine or burning rubber smell. If your pooch smells like burnt hair or rubber, how to fix it will vary based on the underlying cause. If your female dog isnt spayed, smelly urine could signify theyre coming into heat. And with more skunks living in urban areas, its entirely possible for your dog to have been around a skunk and gotten sprayed. Allowing your dog to run around in the backyard will not help him stay hydrated or bathed. It is critical to keep their genitals free of hair that could collect urine droplets. There are several possible causes of a strange or unpleasant odor coming from your urinary tract. Dehydration can cause a certain odor in dogs known as ketones, which are frequently confused with or mistaken for ammonia. Even worse is the thought that your dog could be feeling ill or uncomfortable. How To Stop Dog Barking At Guinea Pigs? If its mostly clear, good. He was salivating and behaving wildly. I now try to help people how to recognize and understand signs of illness in their dogs, how to work with their veterinarian, and when to seek a second opinion. Blood in Dog Stool: Why Is There Blood in My Dog's Poop? Review symptoms, medications & behavior to keep your pets healthy with a Vet Online in just minutes. Other foods, including Brussels sprouts, onions, cabbage, and turnips can also make your pee smell funky because of a metabolic byproduct called methyl mercaptan, a gas with a putrid, sulfurous smell that emerges . And the degree to how bad the ears smell is also significant. Countless veterinary visits without a diagnosis or useful treatment later, I realized that I had to take Jasmine's health care in my own hands. If your dog has a urinary tract infection, you may hear a foul odor in his urine. When it smells like wintergreen, the white admiral butterfly can be found in northeastern United States and Canada. - Plastic or other burning smell: worn out brake pads, burned out electrical fuse, overheating A/C compressor. If the skunk lets loose in or very close to your house, the stench will remain to some degree (no matter how you attempt to clean it up) for several weeks. Why does my dog smell like a dead animal? Another possibility is that you have a medical condition that is causing your urine to smell that way. Just peed right in the hallway then dribbled all the way to her bed in the living room. You might also notice it if your yard seems to be giving off a weird smell. They get this sensation by releasing a chemical compound known as 2-AP into their urine. Lets be honest. Well let me take a second to explain. The smell of burnt rubber can be off-putting, especially if originating from your dog. So if your dogs urine smells sweet, you are indeed actually smelling sugar. These are easy to understand, but why does your dog smell like burnt hair or rubber? answered by dr. peter in 1 min 10 years ago. Some people refer to this as a urine or burning rubber smell. Pet Dog Owner gets paid a commission for referring traffic and business to these companies. If your dog has been licking the place that was sprayed, the smell could be transferred to his mouth, too. If this happens, there is too much glucose in your dogs blood, and it spills into pee, and youre likely looking at diabetes. Its common but not that common. My urine also seems very heavy in body, like Chardonnay wine or even heavier than . 7. It is entirely possible and highly likely that they will smell like pee if they come into contact with pee in their surroundings, either accidentally or deliberately. She knows she's not allowed to eat it so she would pee right next to it. If they suddenly appear to have urine on themselves, it could be an indication that they are not well. So, your urine smells like burnt popcornwhy is this happening, and is it bad? What color is his urine? Eating asparagus *if you dont think you are do you eat taco bell hot sauce a lot? Hard to say! After a 20 minute drive, we arrived at the vet. Take note that red meat, soybean meals, alfalfa meals, peas, beans, and lentils are sulfur-rich ingredients that can be found in dog food. Concentrated urine can have a strong odor. If your dog snacks on poop, they have corgophobia. Fishy-smelling urine will be the least of your worries trying to hide their pills inside treats is another story. There are some Veterinary Eyewash products available online, and if you live in an area crawling with skunks, it would be best to keep one around (just in case). However, what if your dog suddenly starts smelling burnt? They might be related to the nose if the condition is called peripheral phantosmia or central phantosmia. Dental care that is not properly administered is one of the most common causes of chronic kidney disease in dogs. There is more to finding a good vet than finding the closest clinic down the street. When mixed with other substances, it can smell like cat urine, various chemicals, or even chocolate. The idea of smelling phantom burning toast may be kind of amusing but strokes are serious. If your dogs urine remains excessively smelly even after theyve been hydrated, it could be a sign that he or she is seriously ill. If your pet has dense fur, you can use this method twice or thrice as long as the smell is not completely removed. There are a few potential explanations for why urine might smell like burnt rubber. Over 15 years of extensive dogs training experience, specializing in solving behavioral problems. One of our dogs had an accident in the house tonight, she didn't even alert to go outside. Rub the mixture onto your dog, and allow it to sit for at least five minutes. It might not sound like good news, but these issues arent as common as UTIs. It was so bad that we actually took our dog to the vet. There are some underlying health issues that could also cause a dogs breath to smell like burnt rubber, including: Kidney disease: can cause a dogs breath to smell horrible. The antibiotics will get your dogs urine back to smelling normal reasonably quickly, but remember to give them all the pills your vet prescribed. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. However, I am aware of a case where a dogs horribly smelling urine was attributed to a chemo treatment while it was a severe bladder infection instead. Since high temperatures cause the sulfur-containing protein bonds in your hair to break, sulfur gets released into your hair and the air around it when you damage your hair with heat. I am a graphic designer by day, dog health advocate, dog writer, member of the Dog Writers Association of American and an award-winning author. You can add meat tenderizer or canned pumpkin to their food. In people, some foods, such as asparagus, can make urine smell quite weird. When smoked, crack cocaine smells very much like a combination of burnt plastic and chemicals, and if you've been to a nail salon, you may have smelled something similar. Any of these symptoms should be reported to your vet. She used to pee right next to the cat food. on Stinky Urine in Dogs: Why Does My Dogs Pee Smell Bad? Always consult a licensed veterinarian if you have any health or behavior concerns about your pets. This is important to avoid dog urine scald, which can be painful for your pup. Is Your Dogs Urine Crystalized? Click below to download your Veterinary Visit Checklists. She is also on Cranberry Extract, the kind that has cPACs (per the vet's recommendation), for bladder support. Theres a risk of the bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, which raises even more issues. Also sorry if this post is all over the place, I'm pretty sleep-deprived right now. Now and then I also like to catch some and use my eyes to see what the color is, whether its cloudy and such. The smell was a strong chemical smell, like burnt rubber. So this has me wondering if she peed in the hallway because that's where she dragged the chicken. You Have a Urinary Tract Infection. Your pooch may just need a bath, or a more involved treatment. With Jasmine, it took five years to finally get a diagnosis for her initial issue. The information is provided for educational and illustrative purposes and to give you an idea what to research and what questions to ask your veterinarian. Stress, anxiety, or boredom can cause your dog to eat their poop, or the poop of other dogs. Cloudy urine can indicate an infection, bladder crystals .