They were to kill the third part of mankind with fire, smoke, and sulphur. When you worship Me in silence, and pray to Me, I will see to all of your needs in My time. You see the people praying in church in the vision, and you heard Me in the Gospel teaching My apostles how to pray the 'Our Father' prayer. Amen. Remember to choose your hour of Adoration every day. Jesus said: My son, you are being graced to see Me in My Real Presence in a consecrated Host. Each child has a soul, and My parents are responsible to lead this child to Me as they are taught the faith. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Saturday, July 25, 2020: (St. James, the apostle) This word from Our Lord to John Leary on June 10, 2022, is similar to what we wrote above about the Prophet Jeremiah. Friday, July 31, 2020: (St. Ignatius of Loyola) Just as the Israelites survived on the manna in the desert, so you have witnessed saints who have lived only on taking My consecrated Host every day. I allow people to have free will to love Me or not. john leary latest messages 2021mayer funeral home austin, mn obituaries. For your kind efforts, you will receive many graces, and with the souls you save, I will reward you in the higher levels of heaven. March 2, 2023. These same evil ones want to force people to have chips in the body, so they could control your mind and soul as robots for their evil work. Life and career. Welcome to the messages section of the John Leary website. - Feb 25, 2023, Message of Saint Joseph to the People of God - Daily Protection Prayer To Prevent Covid-19 Vaccinations - MaryRefugeOfSouls, IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria - Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity - OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN, Top Ten List Of Incorruptible Saints With Photos. Only food stores were open with some vacancies on their shelves. The next challenge is what kind of family are they born into. I bless you abundantly, Father, Son and Holy Spirit." July 25, 2020 JESUS CHRIST "My little one, I desire you write down all that I tell you. This article is converted from Wikipedia: Blenheim, New Zealand. You will remain inside of the this refuge ground throughout the whole tribulation that will be shortened for the sake of My elect. The next challenge is what kind of family are they born into. You all will have your own space to sleep, eat, and worship My Host in your monstrance. He had to flee into hiding. It is true that daily prayer, possibly daily Mass, and frequent Confession are part of your way to show your love for Me. As you come to the fall, you will see a second laboratory created virus that could kill many people. My faithful will be separated at My refuges from the evil ones throughout the whole tribulation. Then you will return to your body, and you will have a second chance to improve your spiritual life. I have been telling you repeatedly of a worse virus in the fall. These people had traumatic experiences that made a huge impact on their lives. The scorpions were the size of horses and they stung the people for five months without killing them. As the child grows up, you may have to protect your child from developing autism from too many shots. Call on Me to protect you and lead you to the nearest refuge. I have also mentioned that when you see many deaths around you, I will call you to the safety of My refuges, where you will be healed of all of your ills. Before you are called to My refuges, I will bring My Warning experience to everyone all at once. You Friday, June 26, 2020: Jesus said: My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new AdamRead more , Saturday,February 25,2023:(Bishops Mass for Eucharistic retreat) The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. I am showing you earthquakes and hurricanes that are going to test your people. Your children should be baptized and be given the other sacraments as well. I will perform miracles to protect and feed My faithful. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the just, and the angels will cast the wicked into the furnace of fire, where there will be the weeping, and the gnashing of teeth. In My messages I have repeated this same judgment that will fall on the evil souls. Later, on shore the good fish are sorted into vessels, but the bad fish are thrown away. Head of government. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs., Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I told the people that the Kingdom of God is like a fisherman who hauls in a catch of fish. During this Breakout Session, you will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions of John Leary's Plenary Talk: "Top 5 Restoration Guidelines for Practi. Now these mobs are attempting the physical takeover of your government. Fr. Trust in Me that I will bring My love and My justice down upon the earth., Jesus said: My people, every child that comes into this world faces many challenges. You can give donations to your local food shelf so they can distribute the food to Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent) Continue to pray for peace and love in your country, instead of hate and division. around all your faithful prayer warriors. You also will have to decide if the child will be in day care, or if one parent stays home to take care of the baby. Many events will be ongoing, especially another more serious virus attack that will shut down your economy again. around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. These protests are no longer peaceful, and they are even growing more violent as time goes on. You need to pray that your authorities can control these evil mobs, or you will see My punishment come upon you more severely. Caught on Video Three Spectacular Miracle of the Sun at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), Information and Instructions - How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Are you looking for deeper intimacy with God, divine healing, and inner peace? Later, I asked him to find the loincloth, but now it had rotted and was good for nothing. Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Life-Saving Video - GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, SHOCKING GRAPHENE OXIDE PARTS I AND II God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Visit my Brighteon Channel for many unique prophecy videos:, Healing for Vaccinated People Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, IMPORTANT MESSAGE Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), Announcement The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, DISCLAIMER: This website and blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly known as MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), is not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministries (HLM). Since you know how much I love you by dying for your sins, it is important to Me that you love Me as well. Most importantly each person will be assigned an hour for perpetual Adoration every day. Later, I asked him to find the loincloth, but now it had rotted and was good for nothing. The unborn babies have every right to live as much as those people after birth. After this separation, I will bring down My Comet of Chastisement which will be My victory over the evil ones. March 21, 2023. When you worship Me in silence, and pray to Me, I will see to all of your needs in My time. Important Video About Eucharistic Miracles and Brief Comment by a soul Is There Deliberate Deception and Hypocrisy in the Current Papacy (Pope Francis)? "My people, these two latest hurricanes have brought much destruction and flooding in your southern states. Do not fear, God will not abandon you." You must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to download and print each months messages. Monday, February 20, 2023: Jesus said: "My people, a young man was brought before Me who was possessed by a demon. 13:49-50) So it will be at the end of the world. I asked the father if he believed that I could heal his son. Today, My prophets are also telling the people of America to prepare for the coming Tribulation time, when you will see droughts, famine, and pestilence of continuing virus attacks. Before you are called to My refuges, I will bring My Warning experience to everyone all at once. All of these viruses are being made on purpose and exported from China to America. The prevalence of diabetes is rising due to the aging population, unbalanced eating habits, increased high obesity rates, and low levels of physical activity (PA). Give praise and thanks to Me for My refuges, and My angel protection during the tribulation. Be prepared also for a worse evil of darkness in the vision. This can be found by clicking on the Print Messages link under the Messages menu. Monday, July 27, 2020 Jesus said: "My people, you have read in Jeremiah 13:1-11 how I asked Jeremiah to hide a worn loincloth in the desert. [] The increase in the number of elderly people suffering from diabetes is regarded as one of the problems facing healthy aging. You will soon be called to My refuges after My Warning, so you will be protected from the Satanic mobs who will want to kill you. I am calling My faithful to help all souls to come close to Me and love Me. around our children, our relatives, our friends. O'Leary's $400million net worth came to the Canadian businessman largely after the sale of his software company SoftKey for more than $3.5billion. I have told you before that your daily rosary is your best weapon against this evil. Call down My angels in your prayers to watch over the souls of your family. Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Life-Saving Video - GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, SHOCKING GRAPHENE OXIDE PARTS I AND II God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Visit my Brighteon Channel for many unique prophecy videos:, Healing for Vaccinated People Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, IMPORTANT MESSAGE Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), Announcement The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, DISCLAIMER: This website and blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly known as MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), is not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministries (HLM). around every world leader or head of government in the world. Rejoice, My people, when I give you this opportunity to help save souls or these scrolls for heaven., Jesus said: My people, I see a deep contrast between heaven, where there is peace and love, compared to earth, where you are seeing hate and division with virus plagues. ), Miraculous Photos Of Jesus And Mary And The Holy Family, Miraculous Photos of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Holy Love Ministries, Free Offer Rosary Of The Unborn Finger Card, The Spiritual Journey Through The Sacred Chambers Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary, Holy Love And Divine Love Free Booklets, Holy Love Nightly Self Examination Of Conscience, The Chaplet Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary, Daily Prayers Of The Children Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary Holy Love Ministry, Heavenly Guidance For Priests Holy Love Messages, For The Church, All Nations, All Families, All Individuals Consecration Of The Heart Of The World To The United Hearts Of The Most Holy Trinity In Union With The Immaculate Heart Of Mary, The Goal Of All Humanity Unitive Love And The Sixth Chamber Messages, St. Joseph Vestibule Of Grace Messages, The Apocalypse Antichrist Mark Of The Beast Three Days Of Darkness Holy Love Messages, 2015 Special Locutions Terrorism Is Irrational Locutions To The World, The Year 2015 Prophecies Locutions To The World, 2014 Special Locutions Locutions To The World, 2014 Review (Summary Of Messages) Locutions To The World, Failed Prophecy Economic Collapse Believing In Locutions To The World By A Soul, Marys Pope Three Significant Prophecies, Mary Woman Clothed With The Sun Locutions Messages, Locutions Important Teachings Messages, Is There A God? Once you were enlightened by My healing of your computer addiction, now you only have one agenda for what I want you to do. Your guardian angel will put an invisible shield over you so you will not be harmed on the way to a refuge., Jesus said: My people, My angels will lead you to various refuge places. There will be several events happening about the same time. At My refuges you will look on the luminous cross or drink spring water, and you will be healed of any virus or any other affliction. He receives daily heavenly messages from Our Lord about the Great Tribulation, The Great Warning, Three Days of Darkness, and refuges for the faithful to live during the reign of the antichrist. For the fifth trumpet the angel called forth scorpions on the earth from hell. Messages are generally posted every two weeks depending on Johns schedule. After the brief reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My victory over these evil ones, as I will cast them into the eternal flames of hell. At one time, My son, you had two agendas, one for Me, and one for yourself. As they grow up, the parents should be taking their child to Sunday Mass. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Jesus said: "My son, there is a lot of symbolism in this vision. Amen. If your people do not stop these evil ones in your streets, then you will have no more freedoms. After you are healed of any health issue, My angels will shield you from any virus, poisonous gas, or even bombs. Many events will be ongoing, especially another more serious virus attack that will shut down your economy again. You can see the demons are at work to prepare for their brief reign over the earth. I told you that these people died from the Black Plague. Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent) Jesus said: "My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new Adam in Me. In the first Adam he was also tempted by the devil with food to eat when he ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now these mobs are attempting the physical takeover of your government. around every world leader or head of government in the world. John Leary, or the formally condemned messages of "Maria Divine Mercy" or the "Army of Mary"). Madrid's status as the national capital reflects the centralizing policy of the 16th-century Spanish king Philip II and his successors. around all believers in the world; and around all unbelievers. During the Warning you will be advised to come to a refuge for your protection. The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand , has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more, for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for, (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. When you pray your four Mysteries Monday, February 27, 2023: (St. Gregory of Narek) Now you are seeing how the rich people want to use vaccines to kill people, and reduce the population.
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