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Lancet 2002;359:1648-54.. View abstract. View abstract. JAMA 2003;290:2824-30.. View abstract. A combined colonoscopy and endoscopy helps doctors diagnose the cause of gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain or persistent heartburn, A colonoscopy exam allows your doctor to see the inside of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. Acta Biol.Acad.Sci Hung. For example, you need to avoid eating specific foods. View abstract. A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Forli, L., Pedersen, J. I., Bjortuft, O., Blomhoff, R., Kofstad, J., and Boe, J. Vitamins A and E in serum in relation to weight and lung function in patients with advanced pulmonary disease. If you havent received a prescription for a laxative and are unsure of which one to use, always speak with your healthcare professional for recommendations before making a purchase. 2004;8(4 Pt 1):963-969. Day of your Colonoscopy Do not eat any solid food until after the colonoscopy. Avoiding certain foods is the most important thing you can do to prepare for the colonoscopy procedure. Cancer Res 1988;48:4701-5. Preparing for a colonoscopy is far from the most enjoyable experience youll have in your life but its a critical one.