members to fall, eventually being stunned by a Death Eater and thrown across the room. But they might give her back to me if I-If I help; I must save Luna. [25], Before the last test, Archibald recalled his encounter with a Graphorn. [5], Harry and Hermione drew Umbridge away into the Forbidden Forest, and Luna, Ginny, Ron, and Neville managed to escape from the Inquisitorial Squad using a variety of hexes and jinxes. Because of her father's political dissidence at the time, Luna was abducted by Death Eaters to be held ransom, and imprisoned in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor for months. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Quotes from the novel "Daddy, look - one of the gnomes actually bit me!" "Ron can laugh," said Luna serenely, "but my father has done a lot of research on Gernumbli magic." "You look smart. She had an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest Harry Potter described her as having a "knack for embarrassing honesty". Actress: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. On her way to Hogwarts in the Hogwarts Express, Luna shared a compartment with Harry Potter and she was accompanied by Neville Longbottom. Ron and Luna both survived the war, and the good friends remained in contact in adulthood. Thus, Luna was subsequently raised by Xenophilius alone for the rest of her life. There, she said softly. [7], Deep into the desert, Luna found the feathers and marks of what could only have been a Thunderbird, and called out to the students to let them see and report to her about their findings. And anyway, its not as though Ill never see Mum again, is it?Er isnt it? said Harry uncertainly.She shook her head in disbelief. [19], In her third year at Hogwarts, she chose Divination as an elective, as in the 19961997 school year Professor Trelawney claimed to miss her in class; Luna explained she had Firenze that year. She often wore odd pieces of jewellery such as a Butterbeer cork necklace and Dirigible plum earrings, and in 1996, a pair of Spectrespecs. [6] Luna also did not wear shoes because students in her house would take her shoes and hide them.[5]. What did you say, Ron? Anyway why arent you at the feast? (OP38), Harry: Have you he began. ~Luna Lovegood, Yes, it was rather horrible," said Luna conversationally. After McGonagall introduced her to the students, she explained that they would visit some interesting locations to study magical creatures, so long as they met the age requirement and passed the Ministry's preliminary exam, which she and Archibald guaranteed would be fun and involve demonstration of knowledge and self-protection. She then proposed to the students that they do a more thorough search, and later the unidentified student reported that they found more feathers, chain and ropes, but whatever might've been trapped in there had gotten away. Luna liked the idea and encouraged them to put due efforts in classes including Field Studies, hoping that they could explore the world together and find more magical creatures one day. ', I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up - it always does in the end.. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Severus Snape You get an immediate sense of Snape's strong personality when you first meet him in the book/film. Professor[7] Luna Scamander[17][18] (ne Lovegood) (b. View 0 thoughts swirling around the pensieve. Luna Lovegood is one of the most eccentric and fascinating characters in Harry Potter's circle of friends. Theyve always pulled the carriages. Other students gave her the nickname of "Loony Lovegood" and even stole and hid her things. Although Luna Lovegood wasn't a part of the core group of wizarding world heroes that consisted of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, she was still a close friend to the golden trio and an essential part of the fight against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Luna was the last person in the books known to commentate a, It was rumoured that Severus Snape was Luna's father and that Luna and Neville Longbottom were going to end up together at the end of, Evanna recently portrayed Luna again for one of, A variant of Luna is available in the "Downloadable Character Pack", In Part 2 of the final film, Luna is not seen duelling, IGN listed Luna Lovegood as their 12th top. Luna is the only person still living to give their name to one of Harry's children. [15][16][21], Luna married fellow naturalist Rolf Scamander, grandson of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them author Newt Scamander, considerably later in life than Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, who all married and started families in their early-to-mid twenties. I can see them too. Evanna Had A Correspondence With Rowling Years Before Being Cast. [15][22][23] According to Rita Skeeter, Luna wore a wedding dress decorated with rainbows and spangles, and a tiara of silver unicorn horns, which her husband supposedly looked at with a shocked expression. But it's a different concept of magic to the one laid out in the books, so I don't really see how they can co-exist. It was just that I wanted to pack tonight. [13], The prisoners in Malfoy Manor were soon joined by Harry, Ron, Dean Thomas, and Griphook the goblin, while Hermione was tortured for information upstairs by Bellatrix Lestrange. I thought I felt one zooming around in here.. She met Cassandra Vole and the aforementioned unidentified student in the Great Hall while they were talking about making friends, and remarked that despite the dark times, it was still an opportunity to make as many friends as possible. It means you're brave enough to be yourself - Luna Lovegood, It's alright" said a dreamy voice from beside Harry as Ron vanished into the coach's dark interior. Luna Lovegood is also alliterative, for effect. Here are 10 facts about the Hogwarts student. Luna was once again demonstrating her usual knack of speaking of uncomfortable truths; he had never met anyone quite like her.Luna's unusual character traits. Luna has told me all about you, young lady. Loser's Lurgy is not proven to exist, but it was true that when Smith lost in Quidditch he thus acted accordingly. During Luna's sixth year at Hogwarts, she, Neville and Ginny, re-formed and co-led Dumbledore's Army in order to oppose the Carrows. In the movies, Luna is referred to as "Loony Lovegood," and is mocked for what her fellow students perceive as strange interests death, thestrals, and Wrackspurts, to name a few. 'It was like having friends.' [6], Towards Christmas, Luna comforted Hermione Granger after Ron Weasley mocked her in Transfiguration and Hermione ran into the girl's bathroom in tears. The girl gave off an aura of distinct dottiness. I do like her, she's very nice.Luna Lovegood's opinion of Ginny Weasley, Luna and Ginny Weasley were in the same year at Hogwarts, though in different houses; Ginny was in Gryffindor whereas Luna was in Ravenclaw. 4. ", There are plenty of eyewitness accounts, just because you're so narrow-minded you need to have everything shoved under your nose before you, Being different isn't a bad thing. She comforted Ollivander, and gave him courage. Youre just as sane as I am. (OP10), Luna did not seem perturbed by Rons rudeness; on the contrary, she simply watched him for a while as though he were a mildly interesting television program. When Luna's father attempted to turn Harry, Ron and Hermione over to Death Eaters in exchange for his daughter's safety in 1998, Hermione engineered their escape so that the Death Eaters saw Harry briefly, thus ensuring that both Luna and her father were not harmed.[13]. I dont think Id have minded, she added thoughtfully. Her curiosity and kindness persisted when she entered adulthood. I was nine.Im sorry, Harry mumbled.Yes, it was rather horrible, said Luna conversationally. It's important to focus on your core interests every now and then. Primary editor: Lisa Waite Bunker.Original page date 23 January, 2005; Last page update 25 January, 2008. At the final match, she sat in the VIP boxes with Dumbledore's Army and her husband, where he held her hands, which might have been because he was trying to prevent his wife from putting on one of her famous Special Event Hats.[26]. K. Rowling regarding Luna's future, After leaving school, Luna became a famous wizarding naturalist, travelling the world in search of strange creatures. However, whenever someone made fun of her father or his magazine The Quibbler, the dreamy quality in her voice would vanish and be replaced by one of steel, and she would immediately become very angry. "You're not going mad or anything. (turns to look) Oh, a Dementor! They're working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a mixture of dark magic and gum disease., Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?, Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? [8], There's room in this one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here Don't be silly, she's all right.Ginny Weasley introducing Luna to Nevile Longbottom. [15][16][21] The student thought perhaps it just hadn't been discovered yet, citing Luna's words about observation, and expressed their willingness to believe in its existence and continue to search for it when they became a Magizoologist. Luna's good friends Harry and Ginny Potter also named their daughter and third child Lily Luna Potter in honour of her. When he failed to do so, Xenophilius was arrested by Selwyn and Travers. Harry looked up: Luna Lovegood had drifted over from the Ravenclaw table. She doesn't try to fit in or change herself, she just remains her kooky, kind self. These quirks are easy fodder for the meaner students of Hogwartssome call her "Loony Lovegood". Here she is back in 2007 looking adorable with the rest of her adorable cast mates: After the students went on an adventure and got back safely, Luna continued to wait with them for the Thunderbird to appear. She also believed in the fable of the Lost Diadem, a crucial Ravenclaw item and a Horcrux, which turned out to be a turning point in Harry's battle against Voldemort. 15. He cant believe it, he says people seem even more interested in this than the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks! (OP26), We were all in the D.A. She brought a suitcase that contained magical creatures including a Hippogriff and several Thunderbirds, and released them when she opened it. [13] Luna also grew close with many of the other D.A. [13], That day, the Ministry of Magic was taken over by Voldemort, so it was to a Death Eater-controlled Hogwarts that Luna returned for her sixth year. Yes, Luna Lovegood is a good person. He took Luna, Dean and Ollivander to Shell Cottage, the home of Bill and Fleur Weasley, and then returned to assist Harry, Hermione, Ron and Griphook in escaping the Manor. Luna witnessed Harry Potter's final defeat of Lord Voldemort and was among the first to congratulate him. (OP13), You can laugh! Luna said, her voice rising, apparently under the impression that Parvati and Lavender were laughing at what she had said rather than what she was wearing.But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack! (OP13), D you mind not offending the only people who believe me? Harry asked Hermione as they made their way into class.Oh, for heavens sake, Harry, you can do better than her, said Hermione. Happy thoughts! She also skipped around the school. They were later joined by one of the students, who flew towards Hagrid's Hut on a broom and was forced to land early due to one of the Thunderbirds "sneezing" by creating a local thunderstorm. Luna mistook it for Horklump, but Hagrid said it was his Mooncalf who went missing. When they all met up again in the forest, Harry planned to go to the Ministry of Magic. Her nickname, "Loony", also references the moon and its ties with insanity, as it is short for "lunatic". Utterly nonplussed, he looked around at the others, who were now laughing at the expression on Rons face and at the ludicrously prolonged laughter of Luna Lovegood, who was rocking backwards and forwards, clutching her sides.Are you taking the mickey? said Ron, frowning at her.Baboons backside! she choked, holding her ribs. After Luna helped cut the ropes off their new cell-mates, Dobby the house-elf came to free them. That was noisier than I thought it would be.Luna after having non-verbally stunned Alecto Carrow, They took my Luna because of what I've been writing. in order to gain entrance and show him a replica of the diadem. The student got the idea of building the egg a nest in their suitcase, which Luna found demanding as the baby Thunderbird, once hatched, needed continued caring until it was able to be released into the wild, but the student promised her it would be done. [5], Some people call me 'Loony' Lovegood, actually.Hogwarts students' view of Luna. I'm Somebody Now - Requiem For A Dream (2000) Artisan Entertainment. Luna is the only known member of the Lovegood family whose first name is not of Greek origin, rather it is of Latin origin. [5] At Professor Slughorn's Christmas party in 1996, she wore spangled silver robes. (OP10), That was funny!Her prominent eyes swam with tears as she gasped for breath, staring at Ron. Dean still seemed rather bemused at some of the odd things Luna said at times, but did not ridicule her and was seen helping her in the Room of Requirement just before the Battle of Hogwarts. The point is: Luna's art may have been an acquired taste, but she always kept up her extra-curricular activities, and so should you. Often it refers to a combination of both that encompasses the character's mix of confidence, dreamy demeanor, and unconventional belief system. Neville found Luna a bit "odd", as she believed in the existence of strange, mythical creatures, had a tendency to read magazines upside down, and wore earrings that appeared to be made of radishes. Empire Magazine listed Luna as their 10th favourite Harry Potter character in "The 25 Greatest Harry Potter Characters". She watched some students playing on the Quidditch pitch with Hagrid and spotted the Manticores on the field, heading towards the Forbidden Forest. The couple also had twin sons named Lorcan and Lysander. [18], Later, Luna went to the Forbidden Forest to investigate and was found by the student. She also contacted a friend living nearby that had access to phoenixes, and requested for some of their tears to heal the Thunderbird. While there, she conversed with multiple people, and took an interest in Sanguini, a vampire guest. She is actually in Dumbledore's Army, and I know that you can guess what that is. Anna Green Gables Annie. [13], It was believed that Luna was held captive at Azkaban, though she was actually imprisoned in the basement of Malfoy Manor, along with the famed wandmaker Garrick Ollivander, to whom she proved a great comfort. Oh, come on. ", Thank you so much, Dobby, for rescuing me from that cellar. She dresses unusually, she proclaims her strange beliefs openly, and in some ways she seems to be completely out of touch with what's going on around her. She first appears in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, where she is described as having straggly, waist-length dirty-blond hair and a dazed, dreamy look on her face. What are some good monologues for teen girls? THAT explains the chilly breeze. World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling," South West News Service, 8 July 2000, "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling,", Finished 'Potter'? @GredxForgex Me too! His spirits sank slightly. Hermione and Luna both survived the war, and it can be presumed that the pair remained very good friends during adulthood as well. [44] Together with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Draco, Luna is part of the "big seven" characters that Rowling considers to be the most major characters in the series. [6], At Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding, Hermione tried to kick Ron for teasing Luna, and later defended her again from the insults of the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black. Luna thought Rubeus Hagrid was a poor teacher, saying that the students in Ravenclaw thought him to be a bit of a joke, and that she preferred Professor Grubbly-Plank. Ginnys told me all about her, apparently shell only believe in things as long as theres no proof at all. They conversed about the possibility of a Manticore mother existing somewhere on the grounds. Luna was born on 13 February 1981, the only child of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. [5], That summer, Luna and her father went to Sweden using the money the Daily Prophet paid them to reprint The Quibbler's interview with Harry to see if they could catch a Crumple-Horned Snorkack. All of Dumbledore's Army was reassembled and prepared to fight. Luna started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1992 and was sorted into Ravenclaw House. It is presumed that Luna had a nice family life based on her later attitude about her life. [13], Near the end of the battle, she fought against Bellatrix Lestrange, alongside Hermione and Ginny. Evanna Lunch played Luna Lovegood in the "Harry Potter" movies. They then watched as Archibald declared them to be eligible Magizoologists qualified for Field Studies and cast magical fireworks in the sky. Luna eagerly accepted the request, working hard along with the others and enjoying their company. Luna correctly observed that people expected Harry to associate with "cooler" people; he replied that she and Neville were cool, and among his closest and most trustworthy friends. The six D.A. The three of them revived and led Dumbledore's Army, which tried to sabotage the Death Eaters' control of the school and to help Harry, Ron and Hermione who were off hunting down Voldemort's Horcruxes in any way they could. A Very Potter Senior Year draws heavily upon the Chamber of Secrets and Half-Blood Prince novels.. Act I. Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom wander the Department of Mysteries, chased by Death Eaters. (OP35), Oh well she shrugged. But she never let that stop her living her best self. She had straggly, waist-length, dirty blonde hair, very pale eyebrows, and protuberant eyes that gave her a permanently surprised look.Description of Luna's physical appearance. After Dobby was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna closed his eyes, to make him "seem like he was sleeping". [7], As Qui went down to take care of the student, Luna examined the Thunderbird and saw that she had multiple injuries as well as being poisoned by Runespoor venom. She informed them that a second egg had been damaged, and without care from its unwilling mother, it might never hatch. "I still feel very sad about it sometimes. After the failed ambush Xeno was taken to Azkaban prison for the remainder of the war. She could've ended up with Neville Longbottom, and she eventually became a M agizoologist. ", Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end if not always in the way we expect., Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. However, after Ron heard this commentary, which he found highly amusing, he said "you know, Luna's grown on me," when previously he found her very strange and slightly off-putting.