Teams should let players know what they expect form their players, and if the players get tatoos then they should know that their owner frowns on it. The notion that teams would try to make players into non-threatening billboards seems more than a little heavy-handed, even if its done in the name of growing the pie to the benefit of teams and players alike. Allen Iverson crapped on all of the hard work of Jordan, Bird and Magic. But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. Artwork on his neck, arms and any area that is exposed outside of normal clothing and the uniform should be cool. There are trade offs. Not everyone who has tattoos is a gang-banger or crimminal. You are watching the sterilization of this country happening right before your eyesand I notice that most of you respondersare already touting the corporate linelike good lemmings do. The more disturbing reality is that Jerry Richardson likely pushed for Newton based on his responses to this question, rather than picking the guy who has the best chance to succeed. Unfortunately for Jackson, his tattoo choice And the unfortunate truth is, in big business, image is EVERYTHING. Why risk losing a commercial deal or something over a tatt. Man I usually HATE when the race card is played but this sure walks a fine line. Claiming that our jobs mean nothing & that monkeys could do it. You know NOTHING about any of us.some are firefighters who run into a burning building to save lives & property. This is funny. There is something special about being and NFL QB and Cam fully appreciates and understands that. He told him he cant have tatoos or piercings! It would be one thing if he had a hardline policy where he refused to draft any players who had tatts or piercings. Jason Thompson 9. Salman Chaudhary Richardson owns the team so he can ask whatever he wants. Then again, they are probably just like me, wasting time at work, reading and posting on PFT. He said, No, sir. If Newton doesnt like it, get them and let Richardson trade him for it. In the NFL a player does not have that choice and therefore should not be forced into an image he does not want. He strongly recommended it stay the way it is. They trade 90% of their drafted prospects anyway, but the guys they do bring up go along because that is the standard in the locker room amongst the veterans. And as for the senile comments, hes made more money than the Beatles selling burgers and biscuits. Richardson is entitled to tell Newton to do anything he wants. Every person (not just NFL player) should have the right to look, speak, and portray themselve the way they feel comfortable. Newton is going to be the face of the franchise, and this is Richardsons franchise. Everybody has made good points in this discussion. He makes the tattooed team for his inked forearms. Were as free and wild as we were in the 70s, just not as successful as then and the early 80s. If Cam is a decent guy who wants to be a franchise QB hed probably just not get tatoos and piercings anyways. Even Cam Newton is winning football games, him being tatted up will have nothing to do with it. And if I got them, and suddenly was let go, can I really say my rights have been infringed upon? Aug 24, 2011 6:29 AM there are TONS of reasons people get the tats they do. So what if hes old school. Carolina expects its players to look nice. im not sure why the first reaction to all these stories where the league seeks to impose some sort of standard on its players has to be negative. It sounds to me like Jerry was asking him to keep it the way he has. freedomispopular says: I agree that this is both troubling and disturbing to say the least However, I have noticed that this is yet another example of the new corporate mentality that is being allowed to take over this country. 1 draft pick, Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton: No tattoos, no piercings, Report: Derek Carr wants $35 million per year, The Raiders are the betting favorites to land Aaron Rodgers, Mike McCarthy: Kellen Moore wants to light the scoreboard up, I want to run the damn ball, ESPN reiterates report that Lamar Jackson wants a fully-guaranteed deal, Arrest warrant issued for Jalen Carter for reckless driving, racing, Aaron Rodgers says hell make a decision soon enough, Competition Committee begins to explore the quarterback push play, Players say Chiefs discourage them from reporting injuries, have NFLs worst training staff, Bryce Young is just over 5-10 and 204 pounds. no one cares about your jobs or your bosses rules Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Thats what all you widget owners want, right? Thats just fact. He is the best deep threat in NFL and has been waiting to be paid accordingly. That being said, I dont think tats/piercings are as big of a deal as JR thinks they are. Newton isnt applying for a job at mcdonalds, he is applying for a seven figure job in one of the highest profile companies in the world. Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. 16. Otherwise I have no issues with tattoos and piercings on players. Thigh Football Tattoos 11. If the boss tells you to do something, you do it, or you risk losing your job. Regardless of the motivation, theres something troubling about Richardsons position. Okay so I agree with the whole no visible tattoos in the normal workplace but the NFL is a lot different you dont apply for a team like you do in a normal job youre DRAFTED so I think the players can look however they want to and not have to pay the price because they got selected to a team with a strict coach. There is a difference between this is our policy and, do you have any tattos? If your view is so clouded and cant see thru it, I have no need for your job or your friendship. Russell Westbrook 10. Cmon Cam show a pair! Business owners (and the NFL is a business) have a right to do so. Someone tell Jerry no whiskey and well see how he likes that. Sadio Mane loves playing football and only football. However, here are the rules that I want you to play with. In a recent interview on "The Charlie Rose Show", Jerry Richardson recounted a conversation he had with Cam Newton on April 4 in which he asked Newton if he had any tattoos or piercings. No matter how famous you are, somethings are prohibited in the Bale household and that includes tattoos. Barcelona legend Andreas Iniesta refused to wear tattoos during his footballing career and is one of the few footballers without tattoos. An NFL owner can tell his employers whatever he wants. Im not saying its right or wrong; thats just how it is. I dont have any tats Im not against it I just havent found something to put on my body forever. We want is not the same as I order or you must. If the Panthers owner feels that a certain outcome will lead to better marketing and sales while also happening to agree with his values then why shouldnt he say he wants that outcome? Is that fair? Cast a vote below. It was simply a job interview. When big money starts changing hands, companies are more likely to support teams and athletes that represent the type of image the company wishes to present for itself. At least u admitted that ur white cause sadly, it seems catagorizing blacks is what many of u seem to enjoy doing without even thinking Maybe that makes him unattractive to media but he is the best!. Youre right. He interviewed for a sales position with a company, and showed up at the interview with an earring. By the way does anyone have a problem with Clay Matthews have long hair and tats? ************************************************** Anyone whos worked in the real world knows this isnt uncommon. In the end it is Cams decision how idiotic he wants to make himself look. BUT I think im reading into Richardsons intentions the face of the franchise will make both of them money if he is clean of those markings. These JR backers are really excited about being model employees and doing what your boss says. Kudos to Cam for being well dressed and respectable to a potential owner. Jerry Richardson is an A$$. From full-sleeve tribal tattoos, nameplates and even tropical sunsets. I always laugh at people who think that their boss cant dictate how they dress, look, etc. Cam was hired. Some are police officers who are willing to take a bullet to protect your stupid a##. In the real world one is not restricted to one team or look for a new line of unemployment. He should just play Madden. my 80+ yr old great uncle has a tat that says mom on his arm, does that make him a bad person? Not to be superstitious but a tattoo would definitely mess up the team mojo if he got one now, right? Richardson, while appearing to be draconian, is essentially correct. Its his team so he can do so. No long hair, no facial hair, etc, and no one has a problem with that. Patriots kicker says he will remove tattoo associated with far-right militia group. Cam: WTF!!!!! When bosses complain about tattoos and such it is because they feel the tattoos are embarassing and they dont want to lose business. By even asking this question of Cam, JR has now planted a seed in Cams mind that maybe he should ask JR before doing anything that Massa JR dont prefer. (Ive always made sure my tattoos can be covered up when the need arises). yes its true, lots of companies have policy against visible tats while at work, and i can agree with that. Terrelle Pryor. Hell, I took my mother-in-law to get her 1st tattoo for her 60th birthday. Its a legitimate choice. George Steinbrenner had the same rule for Yankees players. I know there are those who will argue the New York Yankees no facial hair rules if one wants to play for the organization. Wow the readers on this sight make me sick sometimes. Ill be posting some of the most interesting aspects of their discussion right here. Who are their critics to say otherwise, nobody? Thats it. Big Cat Richardson said he was aggressive in FREE AGENCY- Ha, signed NO ONE NEW-ran off Julius Peppers whom Chicago loves and traded for Gregg Olson which is not a free agency signing To dictate what a person can do is ok if you dont sell and make your HUGE PROFITS from Grease filled Bonjangles doublely fried chicken & Hardees Big Fat burgers which is cloggin up arteries in the south causing heart attacks & OBEeSITY- And he basically didnt get crap for his hardass stand in the CBA Cam Newton must be thinkin your players suck and no wonder this team sucks- he is smoke and mirrors- what he gonna say when they go 1-15? How many would just harbor a disdain and not address it? Richardson is an idiot. Well give you the last word on this one. At least Cam knows how he can get out of Carolina if he wants. You guys side with the people in power on everything. 5. Sure he could release him but he would still have to pay the guaranteed money in the contract and I am sure another team would be glad to pick him up. Giannis Antetokounmpo. The bottom line is the man is saying that right now I dont want you to leave this franchise and we will all benefit from it. Grant Hill 5. Its fact of life. I have said more than once that if scientists went into the lab to design the perfect QB they would emerge with Cam Newton. This is so ridiculous. The reality is if Newton is playing top-level ball, Jerry isnt going to say jack-sh!t to him about his appearance, much less bench him for it. Its not about race or slavery or any of that other B.S. To play for the organization, you complied with the rule. Last I checked, if the OWNER wants one of his EMPLOYEES to exhude a certain image, then the EMPLOYEE had better comply. Or says something stupid. I have to side with Richardson on this one. They just want the most talented guys. He was up front in the pre-draft interview, when deciding whether to draft Cam. Big difference, in the case of the Yankees its team wide, where with Cam its just him. Im not arguing the merit of the request with this post, but I do think youre off base if youre throwing out the companies have policies line here. The main reason Ronaldo does not have tattoos is that he donates blood regularly. For someone like Newton, whom Richardson said has athletic ability unlike anything that I have seen in quite a few years, Richardson presumably wants him to do nothing that would potentially alienate the mainstream paying customers. it makes little sense why Richardson is saying no tattoos or piercings to one guy, but not to others, but oh well. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. No doubt, now that he has moved to play in the Chinese league,